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How to wear prints this Fall/Winter 2019

You will see lots of fun prints this season: from florals, geometric, stripes to animal prints; I love adding prints to any outfit to give your look some interesting texture, pattern and a splash of fun! You can pair a classic coat, skirt, trouser or your trusty pair of denim with your new printed number to balance the contrast. Playing with polarity in an outfit is one of my favorite thing to do as a stylist. I like putting something sheer over something opaque but silky, a loose fitted blouse with a fitted pencil skirt, a wide leg bohemian vibe print pant paired with a fitted knit, a sporty bodysuit with a professional plaid blazer... you know keeping style unpredictable and going with your instinct of mix and matching colors, fabrications and silhouettes. Thinking outside the box and putting opposites together to make something totally fresh. This is my secret to having unforgettable style. Here are some photos of what I put together to give you some inspiration to play with your current pieces. If you like any of the looks, they are all current and in stores now! You may chat with me through here, on my IG: fitnflair to ask me any questions!

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